‘Slot machine apps’ is a pejorative phrase to refer to apps that use variable rate rewards to try to trigger mindless and addictive behavior. That’s how the app tries to become your boss — although maybe boss isn’t even a strong enough word. These are virtual drugs and due to societal oversight, your dealer (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) is allowed to pose as a respectable member of society.
Thankfully, you can configure all of your social media to eliminate the addictive elements.

- Move Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope, LinkedIn and Tumblr into a folder on your second screen. These are addictions.
- Some people call this folder ‘Social’ or ‘Media’. I titled my folder Playtime. I’d recommend calling this folder Leisure so that you’re being clear with yourself about when to open it.
- This setup goes a little bit deeper, though: hide your favorite social apps on the second screen of that folder.
This last trick comes from Tristan Harris.