Tips #1 för en positivare dag!
Du kan lyssna på tvivlarna och tror att framgång är …
Läste nyligen boken HjärnStark som är skriven av Anders Hansen, Överläkare, psykiatriker, civilekonom och författare. …
#3 Success Journal
It is important to remind ourselves about all the great things we have done earlier …
Öga för öga, gör hela världen blind” Mahatama Gandhi
Happy Monday!
Monday’s are just another day in our fantastic lives! You can make Monday’s to another …
”Self-worth cannot be verified by others…” – Wayne W. Dyer
What we spend our energy on grows and improves. What we spend our thinking time …
#1 Practice Gratitude
It is impossible to have negative and positive thoughts on the same time in our …
Reap what we sow!
We have to constantly keep an eye on what we sow where ever we are. …
You choose!
If we spend more time watching our own thoughts more often. It will be easier …
The Daily Five

Five things for you to try! It will have an effect on your attitude, health, surroundings and productivity. Have fun and let me know how it affected you!
A great video of a 2015 Commencement speech Matthew McConaughey did. He got some great points, so it is well worth the time to listen a few extra time with a paper and pen ready!
I recently read the book The Real Happy Pill written by Anders Hansen, Chief physician, …
Where do we focus our time and energy these days?
There are many things every day that we focus our time and energy on. It …
Vart fokuserar vi vår tid och energi dessa dagar?
Det är många saker varje dag som vi fokuserar vår tid och energi på. Det …