I recently read the book The Real Happy Pill written by Anders Hansen, Chief physician, psychiatrist, business economist and author.
The book is about the effect that exercise has on our brains. That it is good for us Homo sapiens to move I knew long ago. Absolutely amazing results that researchers have obtained through many different experiments.
Your concentration, focus, memory will improve and your chances of getting depression, dementia will decrease as you exercise regularly. Lucky to have had a habit of exercise for a long time.
So my tip for you is that you invest in yourself a little everyday by –
- Feed your brain.
- Move your body more.
- Drink water.
- Eat a little healthier.
- Make a list of things that are important to you.
- Laugh often.
- Smile more.
Borrow, buy, download the book and read it yourself so you have more to think about when it comes to the benefits for your brain when you exercise.